Publications by Kathy Bowrey
A listing of publications, including books, journal articles, conference papers etc. Some works are not able to be downloaded online due to publishing arrangements. They have been made available here on this website where possible in PDF or MS Word doc format.
- (2016) ‘Speaking of Us, About Us and For Us: The Teleology of the Copy and The Colonial Archive’, 3 Law&History 132-161.
- (2016) Tiffany Jenkins, ‘Keeping their Marbles. How the treasures of the past ended up in museums … and why they should stay there.’. (Oxford University Press, 2016). in 8(25) Indigenous Law Bulletin 20-21.
- (2016) ‘Law, Aesthetics and Copyright Historiography: A Critical Reading of the Genealogies of Martha Woodmansee and Mark Rose’, in (eds) Isabella Alexander & Tomás Gómez-Arostegui, Research Handbook on the History of Copyright Law, Edward Elgar, pp27-52.
(2015) (eds) Bowrey K, Handler M, Nicol D & Weatherall K, ‘Australian IP. Commentary, Law and Practice’, (Oxford University Press, 2nd ed).
- (2014) Jose Bellido & Kathy Bowrey, ‘From An Author’s To A Proprietor’s Right: Newspaper Copyright & The Times (1842-1956)’, 6(2) Journal of Media Law 180-207
- (2014) Bowrey K, Handler M, (eds) Law and Creativity in the Age of the Entertainment Franchise, (Cambridge University Press, 2014). –
- (2014) ‘Commentary: Kartinyerri’, (eds) Heather Douglas, Francesca Bartlett, Trish Luker, Rosemary Hunter, Australian Feminist Judgments. Writing and Rewriting Law, (Hart Publishing, 2014), pp41-45.
- (2014) Kathy Bowrey & Michael Handler, ‘Franchise dynamics, creativity and the law’ in (eds) Bowrey K, Handler M, Law and Creativity in the Age of the Entertainment Franchise, (Cambridge University Press, 2014) pp 3-26.
- (2014) Brent Salter & Kathy Bowrey, ‘Dramatic Copyright and the Disneyfication of Theatre Space’ in (eds) Bowrey K, Handler M, Law and Creativity in the Age of the Entertainment Franchise, (Cambridge University Press, 2014) pp123-139.
- (2014) Kathy Bowrey & Michael Handler, ‘Instituting Copyright: Reconciling Copyright Law and Industry Practice in the Buying and Selling of TV Formats’ in (eds) Bowrey K, Handler M, Law and Creativity in the Age of the Entertainment Franchise, (Cambridge University Press, 2014) pp140-169.
- (2013)‘Audit culture: why law journals are ranked and what impact this has on the discipline of law today’ 23(2) Legal Education Review 291-312
- “The Manufacture of Authentic Buzz” in Dan Hunter, Ramon Lobato, Megan Richardson and Julian Thomas (eds), Amateur Media. Social, cultural and legal perspectives, (Routledge, 2013) pp73-93.
- (2012)“The World Daguerreotyped – What a Spectacle!” Copyright Law, Photography and the Economic Mission of Empire, in Brad Sherman & Leanne Wiseman (eds), Copyright and the Challenge of the New, (Kluwer, forthcoming) –
- (2012)“Assessing Research Performance in the Discipline of Law, 2006-2011.” A report to the Council of Australian Law Deans, 2012.-
- (2011)“Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property” in (eds) Bowrey K, Handler, M & Nicol D. Emerging Issues in Intellectual Property (Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 2011).
- (2011)“The New Intellectual Property: Celebrity, fans and the properties of the entertainment franchise” 2011 20(1) Griffith Law Review 188-210
(2011)“Emerging Challenges in Intellectual Property”Edited by Kathy Bowrey, Michael Handler, Dianne Nicol – Oxford University Press ISBN: 9780195575125
(2011)“Australian IP: Commentary, Law and Practice”Edited by Kathy Bowrey, Michael Handler, Dianne Nicol – Oxford University Press ISBN: 9780195569308Also available together as a Value Package:
Bowrey, Handler & Nicol, “Australian IP: Commentary, Law and Practice” & “Emerging Challenges in Intellectual Property”Oxford University Press, 2011.
(2010)“Why global regulation of ICT needs to be taken more seriously”1(3) Transnational Legal Theory 459–474
(2010)“On clarifying the role of originality and fair use in 19th century UK jurisprudence: appreciating ‘the humble grey which emerges as the result of long controversy’” in (eds) Lionel Bently, Catherine Ng, Giuseppina D’Agostino The Common Law Of Intellectual Property: Essays in Honour of Prof David Vaver Hart Publishing USA, (2010 ) p 45-69- (2009)“The politics of global information sharing: whose cultural agendas are being advanced?” Kathy Bowrey, University of New South Wales, Australia, and Jane Anderson, New York University, USA.
2009 SOCIAL & LEGAL STUDIESVol. 18(4), 479–504Reprints and Permissions: 6639, Vol. 18(4), 479–504 – DOI: 10.1177/0964663909345095 - (2009)“Economic rights, culture claims and a culture of piracy in the Indigenous art market: what should we expect from the western legal system?” Australian Indigenous Law Review (2009) Vol 13(2) p 35-58
- (2009) Kathy Bowrey & Catherine Bond, “Copyright and the Fourth Estate: Does Copyright support a sustainable and reliable public domain for news?” . Intellectual Property Quarterly (2009) No 4 p 399-427
- (2009) Kathy Bowrey & Jane Anderson, “The Politics of Global Information Sharing: Whose Cultural Agendas are Being Advanced?” Social and Legal Studies (2009) Vol 18(4), p 1-26.
- (2009) Kathy Bowrey and Natalie Fowell, “Digging Up Fragments and Building IP Franchises”, Sydney Law Review Vol 31: 185 2009
- (2007) “What are you missing out on? Big media, broadcasting, copyright and access to innovation”, in Andrew T Kenyon (ed), TV Futures: Digital Television Policy in Australia (Melbourne UP). pp135-165.
- (2007) Jill McKeough, K Bowrey, P Griffith, Intellectual Property, Commentary and Materials, Law Book Co, 4th Edition, 2007)
- (2007) “Fertile Ground: Law, innovation and creative technologies”, in (ed) Fiona Macmillan, New Directions in Copyright Law: Volume 5(Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK). pp162-196.
Associated Table >
- (2007) “Can a public-minded copyright deliver a more democratic internet?”, 56 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 26.
- (2007) “Book review: Andrew Chadwick, Internet Politics: State, Citizens and New Communicative Technologies”, International History Review Vol 29 (4) Dec 2007 935-7.
- (2006) “Alternative intellectual property?: Indigenous protocols, copyleft and new juridifications of customary practices” 6 Macquarie Law Journal 65-95
- (2005) “The New, the Bad, the Hot, the Fad – popular music, technology and the culture of freedom”, (ed) Fiona Macmillan, New Directions in Copyright Law: Volume 2 (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK).pp262-271.
- (2005) “Can we afford to think about copyright in a global marketplace?” (ed) Fiona Macmillan, New Directions in Copyright Law, Volume 1(Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.) pp51-69.
- (2005) “Who writes the communication rules that underpin internet legal practice”, Internet Law Bulletin Vol 8 (4) pp49-52.
- (2005) Law & Internet Cultures, (Cambridge University Press).
There was a Law and Internet Cultures website dedicated to this book and commentary for the Laws3039 course. The content is now located as static HTML pages on this site – see left. This book is available from…Cambridge University Press UK,
Cambridge University Press Australia,
Barnes & Noble,
Abbey’s Bookshop,
Kinokuniya… and other good bookshops.
- (2002)
“The ideal copyright framework for academic authors? A bounty to genius and learning,” Australian Academic and Research Libraries Journal, 32 (4) Dec 2002 223-233.
- (2002) Who’s Painting Copyright’s History, (eds) D McClean & K Schubert, Dear Images. Art, Copyright and Culture, (Ridinghouse,ICA, London) at 256-274.
- (2002) Kathy Bowrey & Matthew Rimmer
“Rip, Mix, Burn: The Politics of Peer to Peer” First Monday Volume 7, Number 8; Republished First Monday Vol. 10 (7).
- (2002) Jill McKeough, K Bowrey, P Griffith, Intellectual Property, Commentary and Materials, Law Book Co, 3rd Edition, 2002)
- (2001) “The Outer Limits Of Copyright Law – Where Law Meets Philosophy And Culture”, Law and Critique, Vol 12:1, pp1-24.
- (2001) “Retrospective Futures?” Conference Paper for ‘Of Languages and Laws’, Tenth Annual International Conference of the Law and Literature Association of Australia, July 7-9 2000.
- (2000) “Book Review: Sherman & Bently, The Making of Modern Intellectual Property Law”, European Intellectual Property Review 22:7 pp 343-4.
- (1998) “Ethical Boundaries And Internet Cultures”, in (eds) L. Bently & S. Maniatis Intellectual Property and Ethics, Vol IV, Perspectives in Intellectual Property, (London, Sweet & Maxwell) pp3-36.
- (1998) “Contested spaces: copyright and Intellectual Property”, re/form, Exhibition Catalogue accompanying an exhibition by the artist Richard Tipping, “Perversions Subversions And Verse”, Griffith Art Works, Griffith University pp28-30.
- (1997) “Art, Craft, Good Taste And Manufacturing: The Development Of Intellectual Property Laws”, Law in Context, Vol 15(1) pp78-104.
- (1996) “Who’s Writing Copyright’s History?”, European Intellectual Property Review, 18:6 pp322-329.
- (1996) “Copyright law reform: dealing with the unfamiliar,”Reform, (ALRC) No 69 Winter pp6-10.
- (1995) “Copyright, Photography and Computer Works – the fiction of an original expression”, University of New South Wales Law Journal18:2 pp278-299.
- (1994) “Copyright, the Paternity of Artistic Works and the Challenge posed by Postmodern Artists,” Intellectual Property Journal, 8:3 pp285-317.
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Microsoft Word file formats.