informed matter
so I’ve started up my own numbers station for a developing project… I call it ‘informed matter’ – that state where thoughts become ordered but with undefined meaning… Here’s a little extract… More genomic activity…
polyp housing
polyp housing – a concept for an attached parasitic housing community… (buildings that sit, lean or cling on to others)
sculptural nest – concept drafts The large central form uses proximity sensors and emits tones and audio samples based on interaction with the nest mesh somewhat like a theremin.
double bacteria
bacterial & viral illustrations
data creep
sometimes data sets surprise you with their formation and display…
compost juice head still
Compost Juice Head Still A still is a device that selectively heats a liquid mixture and then cools and condenses the resulting vapor to separate and remove it. Urban composting systems usually result in a separation of concentrated liquids from solids as they break down organic matter. This includes bacterial systems like Bokashi and even…
Currawongs calling
Suspicious activity… The Pied Currawong – Striper graculina – is a fairly large local bird – very similar and related to the magpie. They are very smart and have a complex audio repertoire sometimes imitating other birds but mostly just calling to each other with complex call and answer routines. They gather at various times of the year in large flocks…
SOMNUSCAPE Preformed 3D figurines for 3D printers provided in stl format for recreating your future dreams. Print out your own figurines with whatever size and material using 3D models provided in .stl mesh solids format. 16 figures provided to allow you to safely explore your dream potential without falling asleep. Scaled for default 12cm cube space printers…
weather is a serious ‘thing’ around here… 5mm hail
Glenside NZ 1982 – sorting out box of nostalgia…
It’s 1.5C today… White frost Blue Frost
incident number 16
Incident number 16 – 1988
A naturally formed accumulation… beside the lake… The textures of sedimentation…
I do miss the tactile experience of polaroid photo snaps. There is something inherently satisfying about the instant gratification of physically moving the liquid around under the surface of the image. 1982 – Ayr Street And the mysterious fluid nature of the images are very seductive… 1982 – thought bubble
train travel
1984 – train travel
1989 vacuum
you are here
you are here -> 1987 – information for the confused traveller
snow & melt
It snowed today in the mountains… it was quiet and peaceful and things just drifted along all day and then it melted…
confronting angst
The mid eighties marked the beginning of the circus that surrounded the idea of organised “terror” as a theme for widely distributed media such as television news shows and newspapers. We were starting to be confronted frequently with reports of how “terror” would change our lives. Being intrigued by this intense politic – I started…
I have always been fascinated by the way the medium and the media can be affected by slightly altering the mechanics used to generate an end product. In 1982 I was working for a museum doing research, documenting objects and making photographic large display prints mainly using either original glass slides or 35mm film. During this…
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