Royal Burgundy is an interesting and flavoursome glossy purple bean that changes to green when heat is applied – but is tasty fresh and uncooked, so ideal for salads with a great crunchy ‘snap’ and a bright colour addition. It’s a low growing bush snap bean with very little string even on older more developed beans. The leaves are quite distinctly creased and veined. This is a bean that is decorative sliced but not so good looking for people who want a straight evenly shaped whole bean. The internal seeds are a pale green and the bean overall tends to have irregular form but generally is quite straight but with slight bulges around the seeds. It is a strong grower but takes slightly longer to flower and produce than some other classic snap bush beans like Blue Lake and Roc D’Or. They are very quick and easy to pick as the beans come away easily from the bush.
Bean Royal Burgundy

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