Chocolate Capsicum – Capsicum annuum
The last few years I have been growing small chocolate capsicums. They ripen up to a dark brown and have an excellent taste. They have a distinct flavour that is quite intense and similar to that of Mulato chillies – possibly they were part of the breeding program that was used to get the colour. They are especially tasty when combined with fresh cherry tomatoes, some fresh garlic and a smattering of balsamic vinegar and olive oil and then left to sit.
I have also been trying other coloured varieties such as white and a dark purple but they tend be larger and less interesting taste wise.
The small chocolate variety I have found most desirable grows to about 1 meter high and produces a steady stream of fruit through summer and into autumn.
They need good warm growing conditions and a reliable supply of water but other wise they are quite hardy. I find some beetles particularly like them but otherwise they tend to have few pests.
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