This is a very old variety of curled parsley with a very intense flavour profile. It is excellent for making pesto by itself or combined with basil and garlic and the nut of your choice. Walnuts are very good with parsley. Then you just smear it on everything you can find like sourdough bread or toast or the vegetal;e or meat of your choice. Can’t go wrong.
The pinkest grow small and string and re best during the winter months or cool weather, but grow well and strong in summer too if you keep the water up at a high level. They hate getting dry and will go all stringy and hard.
The seed is tricky as it generally needs to be water treated or soaked and washed for a long period to get rid of the germination inhibitors on the seed. But they germinate well once soaked for some time.
They are short lived perennials or biannual depending on your climate.
They usually flower in the second year as soon as they start to dry out.
I keep pouring the seaweed solution and compost tea on them every 2-3 three days for best results when growing.