Royal Blue is a main crop potato variety that would have to be near the top of anyones growing list. Strictly speaking the skin is a purple but looks blue when it has aged and dried off. The inside flesh is yellow and stays ‘yellowish’ when cooked. It has a very fluffy texture and is excellent for baking and roasting especially if parboiled first. It probably makes the best wedges I have ever tasted. The skin can be clearly identified and removed – but why would you remove something that looks this good?. The tuber can get up to about 15cm when it has lots of space and good soil but it grows just as well in a small space where you can start to harvest from around the roots or ‘Bandicoot’ the tubers as soon as it flowers. The small ones taste great just boiled for about 7 minutes. The bush tends to have fairly long stems and spread out a bit but can easily be tamed and kept in line. It is an excellent potato to grow in lucerne or straw stacks. It is a pretty all around robust plant that is a heavy producer.
Potato – Royal Blue