informed matter

so I’ve started up my own numbers station for a developing project… I call it ‘informed matter’ – that state where thoughts become ordered but with undefined meaning… Here’s a little extract… More genomic activity…

polyp housing

polyp housing – a concept for an attached parasitic housing community… (buildings that sit, lean or cling on to others)


sculptural nest – concept drafts The large central form uses proximity sensors and emits tones and audio samples based on interaction with the nest mesh somewhat like a theremin.

compost juice head still

Compost Juice Head Still A still is a device that selectively heats a liquid mixture and then cools and condenses the resulting vapor to separate and remove it. Urban composting systems usually result in a separation of concentrated liquids from…

Currawongs calling

Suspicious activity… The Pied Currawong – Striper graculina –  is a fairly large local bird – very similar and related to the magpie. They are very smart and have a complex audio repertoire sometimes imitating other birds but mostly just calling to each other with complex…


SOMNUSCAPE Preformed 3D figurines for 3D printers provided in stl format for recreating your future dreams. Print out your own figurines with whatever size and material using 3D models provided in .stl mesh solids format. 16 figures provided to allow you to…


A naturally formed accumulation… beside the lake… The textures of sedimentation…


I do miss the tactile experience of polaroid photo snaps. There is something inherently satisfying about the instant gratification of physically moving the liquid around under the surface of the image. 1982 – Ayr Street And the mysterious fluid nature of the images…

snow & melt

It snowed today in the mountains… it was quiet and peaceful and things just drifted along all day and then it melted…

confronting angst

The mid eighties marked the beginning of the circus that surrounded the idea of organised “terror” as a theme for widely distributed media such as television news shows and newspapers. We were starting to be confronted frequently with reports of…


I have always been fascinated by the way the medium and the media can be affected by slightly altering the mechanics used to generate an end product. In 1982 I was working for a museum doing research, documenting objects and…

planktonic friendship

‘Discosphaera tubifera’ an image from my latest series of graphic works on tiny life ‘planktonic friendship’ And some Cistula Diatoms…

Lyre Bird

Just been listening to a young male Lyre Bird on the cliff tops in the Blue Mountains late in the afternoon – one amazing bird imitating up to about 15 other types. Currawong, Wattle bird, Butcher bird, Rosella, King Parrot,…


I have always been fascinated by the transition errors, the uncertainty and the unexpected in transformation and transmission of information. In the period around 1995- 1997 I spent many hours documenting what would now be likely called ‘Glitch’. At the time it was mostly exploring the conjunction of…


Baked goods leave a lasting impression… it’s fascinating how the traces of an emphemeral tasty pastry can signify so much.


Favourite nest of the year… this one reminds me a bit of the woven dili bags and natural materials installation works popular here in Australia in the early 90’s. There have been some other good ones i have spotted in…

burnt toast

There are few things sadder than burnt toast… and that lingering odour of despair and panic and then… the disquiet that comes with knowing the slice of bread has reached it’s full potential and then… moved on…

highway fibre art

I spotted this fantastic naturally formed fibre mound sculpture while stuck in highway traffic jam yesterday… it speaks to the resilience of natural shapes and collections in a harsh environment – very edifying and engaging… I especially like the mix of fibre colours…


This really amused me. “Strong currents and Quicksand”. It’s the sort of sign you really want to see on a seaside holiday… This was hidden away on the waterfront at Portmeirion in Wales. This is the place famous for the setting…


I like finger limes – Citrus australasica – I like growing them, how they taste and especially how they are shaped and what they look like inside. hmm… not sure what else to say about them though. This one just fell…